The Second-Best Haunted Hotel on Mercer Street Book
A family-run haunted hotel's livelihood is threatened when a bigger haunted hotel opens nearby in this hilarious, spooky story twelve-year-old Willow ivan's family has run the hotel Ivan for four hundred years. Through thick and thin, they've held on tight to their title as the best haunted hotel on br>Mercer street. That is, until the haunted - a corporate chain of haunted hotels - moves in down the street. As the ivan's business fades, so do their ghostly Staff. And Willow begins to worry that the ivan's days are numbered. Then Willow meets Evie, a haunted ghost who's forced to play the part of a spooky little girl even though she longs to be a terrifying phantasm. So when Willow offers her a job at the Ivan, Evie accepts - but she doesn't tell Willow that she's still working for the ivan's competition, for fear of losing her new job and friend.
- Author : Cory Putman Oakes
- Illustrator : Jane Pica
- Format : Hardback
- ISBN : 9781419740176
- Size : 14.29 x 2.54 x 20.96 cm
- Pages : 304 pages
- Publisher : Harry N. Abrams
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