The Nehrus Book
Mushirul Hasan - Hardback
The Nehru are the first family of Indian politicis. From Motilal to Jawaharlal, Indira Gandhi to her sons Rajiv and Sanjay and more recently Sonia Gandhi-no other family has wielded such power over or captured the imagination of the Indian people. For the first time the family's history has been chronicled in this definitive pictorial biography. The Nehrus: Personal Histories includes are photographs from the private collections of family members and those closely associated with them. Tracing the roots from when the first Nehru migrated to the Mughal court to the present day, the book tells the story of a fascinating family whose history has come to be inextricably linked with that of modern India. The book throws light on the foundations Motilal laid for his family's success; Jawaharlal's vision for India; and the legacy carried forward by Indira Gandhi and her sons. Using documents, letters and interviews, the book brings a fresh perspective to the continuing relationship between the Nehru family and Indian politics. The engaging and highly readable text provided by Prof. Mushirul Hasan, one of India's most respected historians, is matched by charming photographs, some of them never published before.
20.3 x 25.4 x 4.7 cm
- Author : Mushirul Hasan
- Format : Hardback
- ISBN : 9788174363909
- Pages : 319 Pages
- Publisher : Lustre
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