Seated woman with bent knee by Egon Schiele
seated Girl Facing by Egon Schiele
This dexterously printed book demonstrates a series of visual metaphors that are a tribute to the 40 verses that have been chanted across the globe as an amulet against ominous and a connotation to achieve the divine. This illustrated Hanuman Chalisa captures a series of vignettes from the award-winning short animated film that compliment the beauty and diversity of Shri Hanuman Chalisa. Each page is designed adroitly keeping the synergy of the manuscript and the metaphors. An interesting concise fact accompanies each illustration making it further erudite. The book is printed on 100% eco-friendly paper and offers a complimentary Shri Hanuman Postcard wonderfully designed enclosed with it.
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Product Code: IDB-9784
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