Saeed Kouros: Picturing Life Book
Hamid Keshmirshekan - Hardback
The first complete monography devoted to the Iranian painter.
Saeed Kouros’s (b. 1942) works embody a range of, at times self-contradictory, approaches towards Abstraction. His art examines a variety of media and technical strategies including the application of textural elements, mixed media paradoxically juxtaposed with representational elements. Many of them have a close affinity with the spontaneous action often associated with Abstract Expressionism and Art Informal. There are, however, recognisable elements such as tree, leafless trunks and dreamlike portraits next to the spontaneous forms, textures and lines. These works portray the individual and unique experience found in the general notion of Abstraction.
Saeed Kouros’s (b. 1942) works embody a range of, at times self-contradictory, approaches towards Abstraction. His art examines a variety of media and technical strategies including the application of textural elements, mixed media paradoxically juxtaposed with representational elements. Many of them have a close affinity with the spontaneous action often associated with Abstract Expressionism and Art Informal. There are, however, recognisable elements such as tree, leafless trunks and dreamlike portraits next to the spontaneous forms, textures and lines. These works portray the individual and unique experience found in the general notion of Abstraction.
- Author : Hamid Keshmirshekan
- Format : Hardback
- ISBN : 9788857241180
- Size : 22.5 x 2 x 26.5 cm
- Pages : 240 pages
- Publisher : Skira Editore
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