Build a Flower: A Beginner’s Guide to Paper Flowers Book
Start from the very beginning and learn to make your own unique, exciting paper flowers
Paper flowers are ideal for any crafter: The results are stunning but the steps to get there are achievable at any skill level. Build a Flower will teach the basic techniques needed for crafting paper flowers, building upon skills as it moves through a select number of flowers and focusing on key tips: what type of paper works best, petal shapes that work for multiple flowers, how to assemble, and more. With photographs and step-by-step instructions as their guide, readers will learn to build five flowers, variation ideas for their coloring, and final arrangements. And the designs and ideas will inspire crafters to think beyond the vase―paper flowers as gifts, as decorations, and more. This beginner book will open the door to a wide variety of possibilities and will help establish a new audience well versed in the craft, returning time and again to this book’s pages for inspiration and encouragement.
- Author : Lucia Balcazar
- Format : Paperback
- ISBN : 9781419740640
- Size : 14.86 x 1.78 x 20.19 cm
- Pages : 128 pages
- Publisher : Abrams Books
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Product Code: IDB-9652
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