BRANDLife: Health & Beauty: Integrated Brand Systems in Graphics and Space Book

Victionary - Paperback
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In a world driven by well-being and appearances, the modern healthcare and beauty industry is a thriving one with consumer demographics that span across all layers of society. Besides the conglomerates that continue to dominate international markets, there has also been a large rise in independent companies with strong ideals and concepts that cater to a more comprehensive as well as specific range of needs.

BRANDLife: Health & Beauty explores how compelling graphic identities and interiors play a crucial role in impacting the perceptions and promises offered by upcoming and established healthcare and beauty brands today. From eye-catching packaging on cosmetics and skincare products to effective spatial planning for hair salons and medical centers, it offers visual inspiration and valuable insights as to how creativity and design ultimately affect the quality of experiences and outcomes.

Author : Victionary Format : Paperback ISBN : 9789887972662 Size : 7.48 x 10.04 inches Pages : 280 Publisher : Victionary
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