Architecture of Santiniketan: Tagore's Concept of Space BOOK
Niyogi -Hardback
Architecture of Santiniketan: Tagore’s Concept of Space is a search for the clues hidden in Rabindranath Tagore’s philosophy and architecture that will link the past with the present. This book highlights Tagore’s architectural vision through his writings. A product of immense research and emotions gathered over fifteen years, Architecture of Santiniketan: Tagore’s Concept of Space extends beyond brick and mortar in an effort to understand the significance of the creation of space. It is an expression of the amalgamation of music, art, literature, poetry, letters and functional ornamentation. The book explains the different levels of this form of architecture and evaluates it in the context of the present artistic and cultural environment, while connecting it with the Bengal Renaissance.
Author: Samit Das
Format: Hardback
Pages: 180
Publisher: Niyogi
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