Winter: Warm recipes for cold nights Book
When the temperature cools down and the nights become longer, we tend to crave our favourite comfort foods – slow-cooked meats, rich chowders and stews, hearty roasts and fragrant curries. This is the time of year when we skip salads and the art of winter cooking comes into its own. Winter is a stunning collection of innovative cold-weather recipes perfect for this time of year.
From simple and warming comfort food like soups, slow braises and classic roasts, to elegant seafood dishes, impressive crowd-pleasers and a host of decadent winter desserts – think rich chocolatey steamed puddings, warming crumbles and baked fruits – Winter has a recipe for every occasion. And with 140 recipes designed for simplicity, taste and comfort, Winter is a comprehensive volume on cold-weather cooking – a book guaranteed to warm you up!
From simple and warming comfort food like soups, slow braises and classic roasts, to elegant seafood dishes, impressive crowd-pleasers and a host of decadent winter desserts – think rich chocolatey steamed puddings, warming crumbles and baked fruits – Winter has a recipe for every occasion. And with 140 recipes designed for simplicity, taste and comfort, Winter is a comprehensive volume on cold-weather cooking – a book guaranteed to warm you up!
Author : Abrams Noterie
Format : Paperback
ISBN : 9781419733987
Pages : 192
Publisher : Abrams Noterie
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