Gastronama: The Indian guide to eating right Book
Kalpish Ratna - Paperback
COVID-19 hides the pandemic we pass off as ‘lifestyle diseases’ – obesity, diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. These co-morbidities have allowed SARS-CoV2 to claim 6.5 million lives. The next microbe may accomplish worse unless we rid ourselves of these illnesses.
Tomorrow’s diseases are unlikely to come with ready cures. We can only avoid them by restoring our bodies to a state of health which assures both energy and immunity. And really, there is only one way to do that: by eating right.
Tomorrow’s diseases are unlikely to come with ready cures. We can only avoid them by restoring our bodies to a state of health which assures both energy and immunity. And really, there is only one way to do that: by eating right.
20.3 x 25.4 x 4.7 cm
- Author : Kalpish Ratna
- Format : Paperback
- ISBN : 9789392130670
- Pages : 360 Pages
- Publisher : Roli Books
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