Seated woman with bent knee by Egon Schiele
seated Girl Facing by Egon Schiele
A revised and updated edition of a bestselling introduction on one of the leading architects of the 20th century.
Le Corbusier is probably the most famous architect of the 20th century. The richness and variety of his work and his passionately expressed philosophy of architecture have had a gigantic impact on the urban fabric and the way we live. Weaving through his long and prolific life are certain recurrent themes – his perennial drive towards new types of dwelling, from the early white villas to the Unité d’Habitation at Marseilles; his evolving concepts of urban form, including the Plan Voisin of 1925 with its cruciform towers imposed on the city of Paris and his work at Chandigarh in India; and his belief in a new technocratic order.
The distinguished critic and architecture historian Kenneth Frampton re-examines all the facets of his artistic and philosophical world-view in light of recent thinking, and presents us with a Le Corbusier for the 21st century. This revised edition features a new introduction; some illustrations have now been replaced with colour.
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