Jeppe Ugelvig: Fashion Work 1993–2019: 25 Years of Art in Fashion BOOK
Josephine Rout - Paperback
Considered one of the great masters of contemporary Japanese photography, Daido Moriyama is always on the road, a lone traveller whose black-and-white images recount visions and worlds hidden just beneath the surface of reality. This book contains 250 photographs taken over the latest five years. A constant flow of images that is often frenetic or suddenly suspended, following the rhythm of an unfettered, restless life spent travelling the roads of the world. Daido Moriyama (born 1938) is one of the most important living photographers and photobook makers.
Author : Josephine Rout
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780500480571
Size: 20.83 x 2.03 x 29.21 cm
Pages: 208 Pages
Publisher: Thames and Hudson
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