Seated woman with bent knee by Egon Schiele
seated Girl Facing by Egon Schiele
Islamic architecture is a broad topic, covering some 1,400 years up to the present day. The richness of building types, regional styles, and architectural details is reflected here, with a striking balance of familiar and unfamiliar, of world-renowned masterpieces and lesser-known gems. All eras and regions are represented, but with an eye for some of the creative exuberance, boldness, and sensitivity of Islamic architecture that has not been explored for a general readership until now.
Eric Broug has an expert eye for the use of geometry and pattern, noting architectural elements that attend to specific regional, environmental, and climatic concerns. Providing a wealth of information about buildings’ historical and cultural contexts, Islamic Architecture is a richly packed visual sourcebook demonstrating the function and worldwide appeal of Islamic architecture. This book is essential for artists, designers, architects, and students of Islamic culture worldwide.
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