Hope (Multilingual Edition) Book
A New Hope
What is there to hope for today? How does hope manifest itself at a time when a linear understanding of the future, of growing prosperity, security, and progress is canceled? How can hope be thought beyond market-driven forms of worldbuilding? Is there a third approach in which hope as a critical practice opens a path to alternative futures?
After Techno Globalization Pandemic and Kingdom of the Ill, HOPE is the third chapter of the long-term project TECHNO HUMANITIES, exploring the urgent questions of what it means to be a global citizen in the present-day dependency between ecology, technology, and economy. HOPE brings together a wide range of artistic positions from different generations that see the end of future as the start of new beginnings and an incentive to validate more circular and re-generative practices as a source of wonder and collective movement.
- Contributor : Bart van der Heide
- Format : Paperback
- ISBN : 9783775756181
- Pages : 248
- Publisher : Hatje Cantz Verlag
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