Dot Line Shape: The basic elements of design and illustration Book
As much as skills and styles matter when it comes to design, every visual begins with a fundamental element that can be enhanced or expanded into an aesthetically pleasing and meaningful piece of work. Whether they serve as simple points of focus or building blocks for complex patterns, these elements present countless possibilities when combined with purpose and principles like contrast, balance, rhythm, and white space.
Going back to basics, DOT, LINE, SHAPE is a comprehensive collection of projects that manifest the three elements in inspiring and ingenious ways to bring unique creative visions to life. No matter how trends or platforms change over time, they serve as timeless components that provide designers and artists around the world with infinite means of expression to make a lasting impact.
- Author : Victionary
- Format : Paperback
- ISBN : 9789887903468
- Pages : 296
- Publisher : Viction Workshop Ltd
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