Craft a Life You Love: Infusing Creativity, Fun, and Intention into Your Everyday Book
In Craft a Life You Love, readers will learn how to focus their creative energy and make things (and make things happen) by implementing small—yet powerful— changes in their everyday lives. In this memoir and hardworking handbook, creativity and craft maven Amy Tangerine, shows readers how to find their flow, maintain a positive mindset, and cultivate a rich and fulfilling life by focusing on what truly matters. Chapters explore how to craft the soul, craft the right mindset, craft the right environment, craft good habits, rediscover your creative mojo, and maintain momentum, with each section offering exercises for taking your creative practice to the next level. For anyone who has felt disconnected from their creativity or has had trouble saving a space for their passions, Craft a Life You Love will teach you how to make time for creativity each and every day.
- Author : Amy Tangerine
- Format : Paperback
- ISBN : 9781419730061
- Size : 15.56 x 1.91 x 21.91 cm
- Pages : 176 pages
- Publisher : Abrams
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