100 Curiosities & Inventions from the Collections of the National Trust Book
The National Trust looks after one of the largest and most significant holdings of fine-art and heritage objects in the world. As well as internationally famous works of art, the collections also contain many remarkable but far less familiar objects with fascinating stories to tell. This celebration of curiosities and inventions features forgotten gadgets, unusual works of art, humorous gifts and peculiar personal treasures. From dodos and dioramas to witch bottles and wooden pets, every object provides unexpected insights into the lives of those who made, owned or used it. Selected by National Trust curators, the featured objects are accompanied by easy-to-read captions. The book concludes with a list of National Trust places where these intriguing collections can be found.
- Author : Katie Knowles
- Format : Hardback
- ISBN : 9780707804620
- Pages : 224 Pages
- Publisher : The National Trust
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